Latest Sailing Talk

Welcome to the 2024 boating season!
Dear berth holders - welcome to the 2024 boating season!We’re bringing some improvements to the marina network starting this season, chief being the replacement and upgrade of the service bollards that provide light, power and water to the berths. A, B and C docks are getting this ju
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Meet Josh Dadd - New Assistant Marina & Facilities Operations Manager
We're delighted to introduce Joash Dadd as our new Assistant Marina & Facilities Operations Manager. Please feel free to stop him and introduce yourselves when you see him!
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Fife Regatta & Berth Holders.
The Fife Regatta descends upon us on Tuesday the 14th of June for 2 nights. The resort has been fully booked out for this event and due to the numbers, we've had to make a few changes to our normal service.There will be no visitor berthing available, except wher
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Tarbert Sailing Society, Saturday April 30th 2022.
Please note: The marina is welcoming the Tarbert Sailing Society on Saturday the 30th of April 2022, for their annual regatta stop. The marina is expected to be very busy and your attention is brought to our previous blog(s) regarding visitor berths.
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Fife Regatta 14th & 15th of June 2022.
We're delighted to announce, that the beautiful Fife yachts will be visiting us on the 14th & 15th of June, during the Fife Regatta. We can only fit a few of the smaller Fife's in the marina, especially as we're fully booked this year, but it will still be quite a sight.
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Visitor Berthing in 2022.
We're looking forward to welcoming visitors back for the 2022 season! Due to a fully booked marina for 2022, visitor berthing can be obtained on S dock. In settled weather, additional berthing can be found on the concrete entrance pontoons. Unfortunately all of our h
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Hoist down for annual maintenance. 16/7/21 to 14/8/21.
Due to annual maintenance, our boat hoist will be unavailable from Friday 16th July, until Saturday 14th August. We apologise for any inconvenience, but this period is essential to keep this valuable piece of equipment in good working order.
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RYA Guidelines. Return to Boating.
For those lucky enough to be local to their boat, here are the RYA's guidelines for returning to boating.
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Routemap to reopening the Marina and Yard after Lockdown.
With a little bit of optimism and light at the end of the tunnel, now that the Scottish Government has published their roadmap out of Lockdown, we’ve been looking at what this looks like for all of us. It’s never been Portavadie’s intention to stop berth holder
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Stage 1 of Boat Hoist Refurb complete.
We're pleased to announce that works to replace the drive units on our boathoist were completed shortly before the holidays, meaning that we're able to operate at our maximum capacity of 11 tonnes displacement once more. Stage 2 to replace the slew ring (steering) bearings is pe
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2020/21 Berthing and Yard Rates.
Our revised rates for the 2020/2021 season are now published and on this website at: Please contact us for availability.
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Stage 1 of hoist refurbishment complete.
Shortly before the holidays the replacement drive units for the hoist were successfully replaced. We're now back to being able to lift our maximum capacity of 11 tonnes, limited by the incline of the slipway rather than the machine. The replacement slew ring bearings
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Spring Bank Holiday Weekend. (Scottish Series weekend.)
The marina team are receiving a large amount of enquiries for the Spring Bank Holiday Weekend 24-27th May 2019. As of 26/3/19 there are only 6 10.5m finger berths available on S dock, along with our "first come, first served" alongside berthing on S. We also have additional bert
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Spring Bank Holiday Weekend, 24-27th of May 2019.
The marina team are receiving a lot of enquiries for berthing for the weekend of the Scottish Series. As of 26/3/19 we only have 6 10.5m finger berths available on S dock and room for around 10-15 boats alongside S dock. In good weather we have addtitional space on our concrete
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Intending to visit Portavadie by sea?
At team Portavadie, we're really looking forward to a great season. Our new dynamic pricing structure has been really popular and we are excited to announce that we are almost fully booked for the 2019 season.Those that have visited us before would have had the luxury to choose their
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Buoyed by Five Gold Anchor Award
We’ve been awarded Five Gold Anchors by The Yacht Harbour Association, making us one of only two marinas in Scotland to join this elite group.The Gold Anchor Scheme is the trusted measure of marina excellence. It awards between one and five gold anchors. Five Gold Anchors is the high
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Marina Restaurant Extension.
Phase 2 is now complete!Along with the new soft seating/lounging area and 3/4 height bar stools/tables to enjoy a few drinks and nibbles with crew, we have now doubled the downstairs dining area, meaning there's a far better chance of getting a table during those busy times!
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Radical new berthing charge structure introduced.
Historically marinas have charged boats on their overall length for berthing, at Portavadie we've decided to rethink that concept.Not all berths are equal, some can take large craft, some can't, some are in a highly desireable location, others aren't, therefore we've looked at all these fac
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